Tommaso Protti – Terra Vermelha

    I had to take a bit of time to digest this book. I remember receiving it before the end of the year and being genuinely overwhelmed with it for a few different reasons that I will outline here. I think the feeling of being overwhelmed first stemmed from the photographs being of an […]

Gabriele Basilico non recensiti

Gabriele Basilico is not an artist whose career I had given much consideration to outside of his architectural and urban planning-like topographic images. His poetic monochrome images of both historic cities and bustling urban centers, with their deep and penetrating contrasty shadows, and his fixation between newly built technocentric cities and conversely dormant economically-challenged cities […]

Susan Meiselas in Conversation with David Campany

Carnival Strippers, 1973 Susan Meiselas in Conversation with David Campany DAVID CAMPANY: Much of your work seems to be based very much on process, particularly more recent work such as the Kurdistan project and ‘Encounters with the Dani’. Obviously work has to surface, one way or another, but do you have a sense of the […]

Extending the Frame: An Interview with Susan Meiselas (2006)

“I do think these words “documentary” and “photojournalism” refer to different approaches but are rarely thoughtfully used to distinguish the work that is self-generated vs. assigned.”  Extending the frame: An Interview with Susan Meiselas By Joanna Heatwole, Mariola Mourelo, Afterimage, March-April, 2006 Susan Meiselas has represented difficult issues with innovative approaches throughout her thirty-year career […]