A Disquieting Energy: Interview with Dirk Braeckman

“Luc Sante, an American writer and photographer, who was from Belgium originally, said my pictures look like unexploded bombs, there is so much energy in them. They look quiet, but inside, they are full of energy, that is waiting to explode. So, I think people are feeling there is more than only the image.”

Emmanuelle Andrianjafy: Nothing’s in Vain

“Everything about the city made me uncomfortable and raised questions: the landscape, the atmosphere, the situation, the agitation, etc. It seemed so imperfect. I wanted to understand this chaos.” To the West, is the Atlantic Ocean and the Americas. Facing East, the huge Sahara Desert. The city of Dakar in Senegal sits in between these […]

Archive of Decline: Social Media Photography in the Anthropocene

“I often ponder where all of these social media images are saved. I wonder if the social media magnates responsible for these sites of convenience have some sort of bunker somewhere, perhaps in a methane crater in Siberia where they store every image that has ever been posted”

John Maclean: The Agony and Ecstasy of Artistic Influence

“In a sense I was trying to complete a circle: I travelled to the neighbourhoods that had some bearing on the childhood development of my art-heroes and consequently on the art they made as adults, and then I tried to photograph these places through the ‘afterimage’ of the artistic influences these works had imparted on me”

Star Mangled: Interview with Harlan Levey

“The presentation of politics has become pure entertainment; just another unhealthy consumable good and both candidates got chewed up and swallowed that night, which felt very appropriate and was more therapeutic than I would have imagined.”

Brad Feuerhelm: Photography Class of 2016?

“you think…”Well Sweetheart if you don’t want to hear this …Why the fuck are you here in the first place? Go forth and make your way towards the golden honey pot of money and museum exhibitions, you terrible fuck”. Don’t let me stop you or waste my time with your bullshit. Seriously”