Publishers Be Honest. You Don’t Really Want Criticism.

  The first part of Jörg’s post that needs immediate attention is the following: his response to the broad claims made between the journal questions and the survey responses indicates a lack of serious criticism. I might address that I felt several publisher responses, from my end, were quite diplomatic in their answers. There was […]

Walter Keller: Beruf: Verleger. A Tribute

“So, when we consider respect in the medium, we can limit our discussion by looking at who is contributing to our world and who is not. Publishers by and large are the unsung heroes of the day”.     A friend of mine recently commented on the lack of risk-taking in publishing. I took some […]

Stephen Gill: Extricating the Diurnal Impulse

“These experiences bear the uncanny weight of dissonance before visualization-the morass of the hidden nexus of a world that cannot be controlled the same as it is within the ruminating experience of daylight.”

Brad Feuerhelm: Photography Class of 2016?

“you think…”Well Sweetheart if you don’t want to hear this …Why the fuck are you here in the first place? Go forth and make your way towards the golden honey pot of money and museum exhibitions, you terrible fuck”. Don’t let me stop you or waste my time with your bullshit. Seriously”

Yoshi Kametani’s Played: Margins of Timing

“We have inherited a way of understanding events and time through images or are allowed to fashion our own prognosis of the interpretation of linear elements by looking inward and at the spaces between images…”