Joachim Brohm LESSMORE Interview

  Joachim Brohm’s work has influenced my way of thinking about photography, particularly his work regarding architecture. Though Joachim might not say that his work is directly about architecture, how he photographs sites and buildings has been vital in opening my eyes to new possibilities for seeing potential subject matter. Known for several high-profile and […]

Bertrand Cavalier Concrete Doesn’t Burn, it Crumbles.

  “Struggle is often written in the foundation of our city’s (un)natural architecture”     Struggle is often written in the foundation of our city’s (un)natural architecture. In our rural areas, it is marked by temporary institutions-the grass, trees, fields and clearings bear the organization of bomb craters and sweeps of forest shoulder a mane […]

Pino Musi: Border Soundscapes and Concrete Symphonies

“Photography and its compositions play with the end result, which is the still and static frame. We can consider its pre-supposition to modernity and the way in which modernism, technology and industry precipitated our current fascination with destroying their intentions …”   A principal feature that photography and music share is that of composition. Composition […]